Friday, December 07, 2007

Every Horse Counts

The 2007 USDA Agriculture Census will begin this month. While horses are a small part of the overall census, counting every horse is important to the equestrian community. You can respond to the census online, but need to get a packet in the mail first for a "survey control" number.

Article from The Horse -

State Horse Councils, legislators and equestrian groups use information from this census to judge the impact of the equestrian community on the economy, back up the need for trails and other facilities and more - helping to protect your rights as horse owners. Every horse (or other equid) counts - whether you're a large boarding facility, a breeder, a rescue or just have a couple of horses, mules or donkeys in your backyard.

Filling in the information at this link will get you a packet in the mail with a control number, which you can use to complete the survey online (or you can mail it back if you prefer):
This link has more information about the Agriculture Census

In 2002, only 46,866 horses and ponies were counted in Arizona, ranking us 34th in the nation - small wonder the non-horse portion of the community and government might not take the needs and rights of horse owners seriously. From 1997 to 2002, we lost 1,213 farms and ranches and 583,000 acres of agriculture land. Let's make every horse and "ranch" count this year. (You can see the info for your state at the link)