These tee shirts will help support the ECIR Horse web site and the development of a data base for case histories which are currently spread over several sites. These case histories are the largest repository of information on horses with Cushing's disease (PPID) and Insulin Resistance (IR) in the world. Getting them in to a single data base will be a huge step in developing data on these conditions.
More and more horse owners are making changes in their horses's diets and lifestyles before their horses have any problems. Laminitis is often the first visible sign that brings a Cushing's or IR horse to veterinary care - education and up to date information on ECIR Horse and at the Equine Cushings and Insulin Resistance group helps both horse owners and their vets be proactive in avoiding endocrinopathic (hormonal/metabolic) laminitis.
Stop in at the NO Laminitis! site and get your tee shirt in time for spring - and think about surprising your veterinarian at your spring check up appointment with a tee shirt of their own.