The Dog Food Advisor’s approach to choosing dog food is based upon one very important concept… No dog food can ever be magically better than the ingredients that were used to make it
How could it?
Sounds familiar - There are no magic bullets in equine nutrition - the phrase which has been my watch word for several years now.
In looking on the net for feedback from others, I came across a review of this food on the Dog Food Advisor web site. Basic, common sense and addresses some commonly raised pet food questions.
Then I found the About the Dog Food Advisor article - and felt like someone had been reading my mail.
Losing a beloved animal companion in a way that never should have happened is what drove me, also, to learn about nutrition. I trusted my veterinarian (who has since learned with me) and the information provided by feed company representatives. I had a medical background as a paramedic and RN but little grounding in nutrition.
We had slowly (yet innocently) "starved" to death a beloved member of our own family.
So what has this got to do with horses?
Most of us who love horses also love our dogs (and kitties and other furry things). Dr. Mike Sagman's Dog Food Advisor is a wonderful resource to help us keep these members of our family healthy.
Thank you Dr. Sagman for the hours you have devoted to advocacy and for sharing your experience and knowledge by creating this invaluable resource.
DesertEquineBalance.com - equine nutrition
information with a Southwest edge
ECIRHorse.com - your reference source
for Insulin Resistance and Cushing's Disease
NOLaminitis.org - see you in August at
the first ECIR Group No Laminitis! Conference