Monday, January 28, 2013

Online Nutrition Course Reminder

Reminder - the FREE online nutrition course from the University of Edinburgh has just begun!  You still can sign up for the course and download the first week's slides and videos.
Information and sign up here

The program will last five weeks, there are quizzes and a Statement of Accomplishment signed by the instructor as a completion certificate.

I have also begun a "Meet up community" for local class participants so we can have a study group in the Tucson area - first time and place to be decided after more sign up.   (Once you've signed up for the course, the "Join a Meet up community" is in the course site's navigation panel.)

Best regards,

Patti in Vail AZ
where it is cold and windy - what???


  1. I think being able to attend nutrition courses online would be interesting.

  2. If you weren't able to catch this one, consider Dr. Kellon's online nutrition courses. See
